秘鲁COLCA矿为斑岩铜矿 - 金矿床, 这是一个占地14 100公顷的矿区,两个主要矿化带被其他具有一定开采潜力的重要矿产所包围。
Colca Mining Project
COLCA is Copper porphyry – gold deposit. It is a mining area which covers 14 100 hectares. Two major mineralized zones surrounded by other important mining properties with defined potential have been identified. The size and potential of the deposit shall be defined with drilling works.
This investment opportunity is aimed at the transfer of mining concessions within an area established for the development of exploration activities that, in case of achieving positive results, will allow the execution of a feasibility study, construction and finally operation of a mining project; considering extensible terms and investment commitments that allow the development of the project.
Responsible body: Ministry of Energy and Mines
Modality: Asset project
联系人:王女士 010-82217954
杜女士 010-82217959
如咨询本项目联系方式,请将以下材料发至邮箱:tradeinvest@ccpit.org tradeinvest@itc.ccpit.org
电话:010-82217954 010-82217959 15601107889